Dear Gwynedd Friends School families,

The events of the past week are heartbreaking. There is so much pain and suffering many of us are experiencing in response to the killings of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and Ahmaud Arbery in Southeastern Georgia. We hold in the Light all of those working for justice through peaceful protest, as well as those trying to keep people safe during this time of unrest.

As a Quaker school, the testimonies often help guide us as we grapple with feelings of sadness and pain. At Gwynedd Friends School, we help our little people recognize and celebrate that of God, or the Inner Light, in everyone. Children learn about the testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship and how they can spread seeds of peace through their actions. Teachers provide windows and mirrors, ways in which children can see and honor others and themselves, through classroom materials, toys, and books.

At GFS, we believe everyone has a Light Within and should be treated with love and concern. As a faculty and staff, we must continue developing our testimony curriculum, providing more opportunities to explore race, equity, and justice with our young students. Considering the testimony of equality, especially as it relates to equity, is more important than ever before.

Although not in school together now, our community continues to be a place of support and connection. Please reach out if we can be a help to you or your children in any way. We have included some resources below that might be helpful.

In Peace,

Maggie Chiles